st (the simple terminal) is a simple terminal.

Press super + enter for a basic terminal window.
man st
- alt + j/k/alt + Up/Down/alt + mouse wheel – scroll up or down in the terminal history.
- alt + u/d/alt + pageup/pagedown – faster scroll.
- alt + shift + j/k – decrease or increase font size.
- alt + c – copy selected text to clipboard.
- shift + insert – paste clipboard contents.
- alt + l – open a link/URL: pulls all URLs from terminal and allows you to pick one to open via dmenu.
- alt + y – copy a link/URL: same as above, but copies the URL.
- alt + o – copy the output from a recent command.
- alt + a/s – decrease/increase transparency.
Note that readline will use vim bindings by default.
Technically this is not part of st
, but people get it confused.
If you don’t like it, remove the bindkey -v
line from the zsh configuration.
Source Code
- st for LARBS
- original st at suckless’s website
- MIT License